4 Reasons Why You Should Use Organic Baby Skincare Products

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4 Reasons Why You Should Use Organic Baby Skincare Products


4 Reasons Why You Should Use Organic Baby Skincare Products

Nov 25, 2022

Baby shampoos, soap and creams are crucial for your baby’s and young children’s skin. In fact, as parents, you need to ensure that these products are free of any harmful chemicals or ingredients. Unlike adults’ skin, their tender skin is significantly more delicate and vulnerable to the harmful effects of toxic chemicals and environmental pollutants.

Hence, you should opt for organic, natural and safe baby products. Not only will it safeguard their skin, but it will also improve the radiance and health of their skin in the long run. Here are four reasons why you should use organic skincare products for your baby and young child.

Reason #1: Their skin is more sensitive than adults

According to various studies, children up to two years old are considered to be up to 10 times more vulnerable and susceptible to carcinogens as compared to adults. Additionally, children from two years old to 15 years old are three times at risk of carcinogens as compared to adults. Hence, as parents, we should consider applying small amounts of only the mildest products on our babies and avoiding any carcinogenic chemicals that are toxic to us, such as:

  • Parabens: Artificial preservatives found in most skincare products. They are found to link to causing cancers as well as disrupting our hormone functions and production.

  • Sulphates: Also known as SLS, such ingredients can be found in most baby cleansers and soaps and are the reason why soap bubbles form. Sulphates have been linked to skin irritation, disruption of the endocrine system, and cancer.

  • Phthalates: They are chemicals found in soaps, creams, and various personal care products. Studies have found that phthalates contribute to damage to the lungs, reproductive organs, liver, and kidneys.

  • Dyes: They provide the colour of products and are found to contribute to the development of tumours, asthma, skin problems, chromosomal damage, lymphomas, and allergies.

Wotnot Naturals have some of the best, natural, award-winning baby products proudly made in Australia. At LoveNaturall, we offer a wide range of their 100% natural baby products, such as Wotnot Naturals Nappy Rash Cream & Balm, Wotnot Naturals Baby Lotion, Wotnot Naturals Baby Sunscreen and Wotnot Naturals 3-in-1 Baby Wash.

Reason #2: They are more susceptible to infections

Unlike adults, their skin is considered “brand new” and, therefore, is more permeable. Their skin is still developing and is less capable of protecting them against microbes, toxic chemicals, and allergens. Hence, they are also more prone to infections from bacteria and pathogens, as well as averse to harsh chemical reactions.

When exposed to unsuitable skincare products, babies and young children may easily fall prey to skin allergies and infections. Unsuitable products can also induce itchy skin and with uncontrollable scratching, result in a higher chance of skin breaking.

Wotnot Naturals 100% Natural Baby Lotion is not only suitable and effective for children with eczema, it also contains moisterising ingredients such as aloe vera & Vitamin E for soothing itchy, inflamed skin as well as act as a protective barrier cream against allergens. This 3-in-1 massage and moisturizing lotion is highly suitable for newborns and young children, ensuring a soothed, well-nourished, and hydrated skin.

Reason #3: Their skin requires adequate hydration

Their skin dries up very quickly. Using non-organic products that are full of harmful chemicals defeats the purpose of hydrating and moisturising their skin. Many of the chemical ingredients found in such products are the primary cause of dry skin. Hence, it is vital to use gentle, organic ingredients that will nourish and moisturise their skin the correct way.

Our Happy Mama Rescue Balm is award-winning, organic and made with all-natural oils that are safe. The balmy texture locks in hydration for your child and is raved by mothers for being the go-to balm for the whole family, even for insect bites.

Reason #4: Organic products are environmentally friendly too

One of the biggest concerns as parents is wondering what the world will be like for our children’s future, where sustainability is so crucial. We can all do our individual part to ensure that there is still something for them in the future by using skincare products that are organic, natural, recyclable, and biodegradable. All our products are also safe for our environment - even our sunscreen products are reef-friendly.


We as parents are directly responsible for the products we choose and use on our babies and young children. It is our ultimate duty to educate our children and help them understand the importance of using safe skincare products. At LoveNaturall, we take a lot of pride to educate our parents and advocate using only all-natural products for your family. We ourselves are also mothers to young children too, and understand the needs and preferences of other mothers.

At LoveNaturall, we hope to enable our parents in their journey of parenthood by providing clean and natural skincare products. We want to take care of not only your babies but you as well. From head to toe and for your whole family, we have an extensive range of natural products for all skin types, especially products for sensitive skin.

Visit us at https://www.lovenaturall.com/ to find out more today!